freecad version

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Oct 28 01:21:20 UTC 2020

Am Dienstag, den 27.10.2020, 15:08 -0600 schrieb R C:
> > i know you asked for apt-get ... but there is also 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > which seems to be actually well maintained and has 0.19 available
> > in
> > the beta channel ...
> I have seen that actually,  I wonder if that something that is going
> to take over apt-get some day?

nope, snap packages use/consume the deb packages from the ubuntu
archive to build them, snaps are just an additional delivery mechanism,
but very helpful to use applications fully independent from the
underlying system. if they should replace something it would rather be

(though they would not have to use debs, i.e. a snap can technically be
commpletely built gentoo/arch style with all depedencies built from
source, but that would be a waste of time and resources since the ubunt
u archive is already there) 

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