Simple file server that works for MS Windows users as well - ideas?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Oct 21 16:09:55 UTC 2020

21 October 2020  at 16:38, Chris Green wrote:
Re: Simple file server that works f (at least in part)

>But upload to what?  I can upload a file to my web site but they seem
>incapable of downloading it.  I.e. I uploaded a file and gave them the


>and they couldn't download it!  They just said "we can play the file
>but not download it".  I told them to right click on the file in their
>browser and save it but that seemed to be beyond them.

In most windows browsers (I have used) you choose "save target as" what browser 
do they use (if they know)

>> Else look in to VNC or remote desktop options and move file(s) direct, as if 
>> you were just moving in your own machine
>> or if you have a web server, put your file there, and send a link
>See above! :-)

>(You won't find now, I've removed it)

I noticed

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