Simple file server that works for MS Windows users as well - ideas?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Oct 21 15:17:00 UTC 2020

Am Mittwoch, den 21.10.2020, 15:51 +0100 schrieb Chris Green:
> I often seem to need to 'send' files to people, sometimes attaching
> to
> an E-Mail works but this very often hits file size limitations.
> Currently I'm trying to send an audio file to someone in Australia
> who
> doesn't seem all that computer aware, so what choices do I have?
> I have a Linux server out on the public internet where I can put the
> file, what sort of thing can I run there to make it easy for them to
> download?  I suppose I could set up an FTP server but are there any
> easier ways?

i personally use the nextcloud snap for such stuff ... 

self managed/hostsed cloud file space, easy to manage via the admin UI
that it brings along and thanks to the snap also a single command
installation without the need to tinker a lot ...
(and there are clients for all common OSes out there, i.e. you can use
the nextcloud andoid client to auto-upload your photos to your personal
gallery etc)

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