how to start particular desktop with startx

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Oct 12 19:52:42 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Harry Putnam wrote:
>Little Girl writes:

>[...] snipped good comments, and I see you've understood what I'm

That's always good to know, especially with something like this that
can go in several directions.

>> I've got two pages for you that might help:

>Excellent, yes.  I'd seen a briefer form of that article somewhere
>but it had no details as are found there.

Good. I'm glad it's useful.

>Oh man, this is the stuff here.  Repleat with detail and example

Heh. That's pretty much how I feel about their material, too. They do
a great job explaining things and go deep in their quest to explore
each topic.

>Thank you sir for the excellent help... very good stuff.

Any time. I hope it's all smooth sailing now.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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