Upgrade to 20.04.1 no internet

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 10:07:18 UTC 2020

On Thu, 1 Oct 2020 at 22:04, Chris Pollock <chris.pollock1948 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> I ran journalctl -f with the Ethernet cable disconnected then plugged it in. The output is here pastebin.com/60ecK76v
> I have a new Ethernet cable installed. Not sure what you mean "the other end plugged into something useful"

Looking at the log it seems to have connected to the DHCP server ok
and acquired an IP addres.  What does
ip addr

I think the errors are to do with IPV6.  Have you been playing with
IPV6?  How have you got V6 configured in the network manager settings
for the connection.

The reason it works off the live DVD is that it is a settings issue of
some sort rather than a s/w or hardware problem.


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