Snap refresh and saved gnome-keyring passwords

George G georgeg.lists at
Tue Nov 24 10:31:49 UTC 2020


I am using remmina as a snap in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and i am saving my
remmina passwords stored in gnome-keyring.

Everything works as intended!

Yesterday my remmina snap was refreshed:

user at host:~$ snap list --all remmina
Name     Version                Rev   Tracking       Publisher  Notes
remmina  v1.4.8+git10.2058366a  4324  latest/stable  remmina✓   disabled
remmina  v1.4.9+git2.d1f1f46e   4532  latest/stable  remmina✓   -

After the refresh all my remmina passwords are not accessible.

Checking with seahorse (gnome-keyring GUI) i found out that passwords
are saved using a filename like:

filename: /home/user/snap/remmina/4324/.local/share/remmina/somehost.remmina

Checking the remmina snap folder i noticed a link (current -> 4532):

user at host:~$ ls -lh snap/remmina/
total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 4 user user 4,0K Νοε  19 11:13 4324
drwxr-xr-x 4 user user 4,0K Νοε  23 19:38 4532
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4,0K Νοε  19 11:13 common
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user    4 Νοε  23 19:38 current -> 4532

Is there a way to store remmina passwords in gnome keyring using a
filename like:


so that after every snap refresh my passwords will be accessible without
saving them again for the latest snap revision?

Thank you in advance,


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