When to use a firewall (e.g. ufw)

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 20 12:24:12 UTC 2020

Am Freitag, den 20.11.2020, 11:25 +0000 schrieb Ian Bruntlett:
> Hi,
> I was wondering, when should a firewall (e.g. ufw) be installed on a
> computer running Linux - Ubuntu Linux, to be more accurate.
> Also, what level of networking experience is required for running an
> Ubuntu Linux system?

ubuntu has since day one a policy of "no open ports" so if you do not
install any server software (to explicitly open any ports), a firewall
mainly just adds complexity ... that said, you can indeed "harden" an
existing ubuntu install (i.e. make the machine not respind to external
pings, audit and log incoming and outgoing traffic on a network
interface, etc, etc) ... 

by default ubuntu does not need any firewall though and you should only
use one if you know what you are doing ...

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