Xubuntu 20.04 disaster

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Fri Nov 20 12:01:57 UTC 2020

On 20/11/2020 11:51, Chris Green wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 11:23:00AM +0000, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Oldies always install, never upgrade :-)
> Not true! :-)
> I think I took my desktop system from somewhere around 10.04 to 18.04
> before doing a re-install. 

On 20/11/2020 11:32, Colin Law wrote:
 > Not true, assuming being past the statutory six score years and ten
 > counts as old.  I always upgrade unless there is a particular issue
 > forcing a re-install.

OK, I'll bow out on that 😀 but having been bitten twice by serious bugs 
in distribution upgrades I have always gone from scratch for safety.
> The big advantage of upgrading is that one doesn't have to remember
> all the extra packages one has installed, plus any OS customisation.

By now I have a well-tried shell script that does all this in the right 
order, so I basically kick it off and go for dinner.

I do rely on the OS leaving /home alone, and on production systems 
/var/sys is always a separate spindle, so that gets unplugged before the 
installation, and added back later (very large quantities).


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