ARM64 vs AMD64

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Mon Nov 9 13:39:38 UTC 2020

09 November 2020  at 14:20, Liam Proven wrote:
Re: ARM64 vs AMD64 (at least in part)

>On Mon, 9 Nov 2020 at 13:58, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
><ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>> 21.04

>Doesn't exist yet.

>Look at the year. The first 2 digits are the year of release. Check
>your calendar.

>Don't run pre-release software if you want a comfy life.

Always have had (at least) one (more for LTS versions) box running the daily 
release iso, over time the number will drop as the spec required goes up :-<) 
my fav carry around Netbook is stuck on 18.04.5 as it's 32bit, runs great and 
have 3 more years (support) to enjoy it, I still run 16.04.6 on one box (until 
next April) Even PuppyLinux has gone 64bit only

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