Re and update on OT: recommendation for all-in-one printer?

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Thu Nov 5 10:15:51 UTC 2020

On 05/11/2020, Marco Fioretti <mfioretti at> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 10:07, Jared Norris  wrote
> Hi Marco,
> I've said it before and I'll say it again, never buy a multifunction
> "because it works with linux". But a multifunction because it works with
> everything....
> I agree. This said, personally I make/understand exceptions when there is a
> significant price difference...
> In fact, I ended up having an epson xp-4100 ... because I got a very good
> deal on it. Printing worked perfectly at first try, scanning did not. Now I
> am discussing that part directly on the SANE-devel list. But will not be
> able to test soon because... my monitor or motherboard also broke :-(
> See other thread for that...
> Marco

I do not know how you were connecting your MFD, but, one thing that I
read, a while ago, that I remember, is that, for WiFi connected MFD's,
wired connections are required for scanning (unless scanning directly
to a USB storage device, and then physically connecting that USB
device to the target computer for uploading).

For a modern Linux compatible MFD, whilst I use a Samsung (which does
not exist anymore) by USB wired connection, we also have a Lexmark
colour laser MFD, which scans okay by wired connection (connected to
MS Windows 10, and, prints by Wifi from various other OS's devices),
and prints well, without any driver being needed to be installed, from
my UbuntuMATE 20.10 systems, via WiFi from the other end of the
(brick) house.

But, these MFD's, in Australia, cost a couple of hundred AUD, and,
even with such things costing two to three times as much as in Europe
or in the Australian government's fatherland; the USA, these MFD's
that work well with anything, are outside your specified price range.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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