Mouse touchpad (was Re: Cannot encrypt archive?)

Owen Thomas owen.paul.thomas at
Mon Nov 2 04:53:10 UTC 2020

On Mon, 2 Nov 2020 at 15:33, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:

> Personally, I use a mouse with my laptop and run with the touchpad
> disabled all the time.  It is not of any use to me at all, and if my
> mouse dies and I can't do without mouse controls, the joystick is
> enough - it doesn't interfere with my typing.  The touchpad does, too
> often, and I see no need to tolerate that.

I like the touchpad - it means my laptop can stay on my lap and its
operation is more precise and contollable than the joystick; I would like
Ubuntu to come preconfigured with a keystroke that disables my touchpad and
lets me type without having to undo (if possible) any havoc wreaked by the
inadvertent contact of any part of my hands while I am trying to type.

I don't think this is too much of an ask for someone who has the knowledge
and the interest necessary to put a change like this into a subsequent
release of Ubuntu. I hope such a person is listening to my entreaty.
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