Mouse touchpad (was Re: Cannot encrypt archive?)

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon Nov 2 00:37:21 UTC 2020

On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 3:45 PM Owen Thomas <owen.paul.thomas at> wrote:
>   Owen.
> PS: Please let me disable my mouse touchpad. This would be a well regarded productivity bonus for me!
In Xubuntu, if you go into Settings -> Mouse and touchpad, there is a
setting to disable the touchpad.

I'm pretty sure you can find one for Ubuntu (Google usually helps).

Alternatively, you can switch to Xubuntu (XFCE4 wm) - I find it much
more flexible as well and thin and fast.  Haven't used straight Ubuntu
since the Unity interface came out, and I don't care for GNOME3
either.  But that's just me (and most other XFCE4 users, even on

Hope that helps.


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