Cannot encrypt archive?

Owen Thomas owen.paul.thomas at
Sun Nov 1 04:53:42 UTC 2020

On Sun, 1 Nov 2020 at 14:32, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:

> On Sun, 2020-11-01 at 13:52 +1100, Owen Thomas wrote:
> > When I try to create the archive after putting all the necessary
> > details in, it opens a new window displaying an empty archive.
> At this point you can either drag and drop files into the empty window,
> or you can click on the plus sign to add files and select them from a
> file chooser. If you need to see hidden files, right click in the file
> chooser and select "Show Hidden Files". Each time you drag more files
> (or select more files) they will be added to the archive. You can keep
> doing either or both until all the files you want archived have been
> added, then just close the archive manager.
> > Who engineered this screwup?
> It's not quite as bad as that - in fact the archive manager itself is
> essentially unchanged.

No Karl, you're right. Things have changed and I suppose I'll have to
change along with them.

I don't know why the Compress option on the context menu for a
file/directory now opens a simplified dialogue box instead of the Archive
Manager, but this change has been deemed appropriate by the committee that
decides these things, so I'll just get on with it.

I am sore, but by the evening it will have ebbed.
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