Question about Ubuntu support

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Sun May 31 12:50:22 UTC 2020

On 5/30/20 5:25 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 11:35 AM Little Girl <littlergirl at 
> <mailto:littlergirl at>> wrote:
>     >ubuntu-security-status --thirdparty is interesting
>     I did the commands on a fresh installation of Kubuntu in a virtual
>     machine, so that one didn't give me any results. I'd have to install
>     some third-party software to see what it does. What kind of result
>     does it give?
> my thirdparty is Google Chrome (which I keep around to test things 
> when Chromium doesn't work for whatever reason):
> user at hostname:~$ ubuntu-security-status
> 2794 packages installed, of which:
> 1939 receive package updates with LTS until 4/2025
>  849 could receive security updates with ESM Apps until 4/2030
>    1 package is from a third party
>    5 packages are no longer available for download
> Packages from third parties are not provided by the official Ubuntu
> archive, for example packages from Personal Package Archives in
> Launchpad.
> For more information on the packages, run 'ubuntu-security-status
> --thirdparty'.
> Packages that are not available for download may be left over from a
> previous release of Ubuntu, may have been installed directly from a
> .deb file, or are from a source which has been disabled.
> For more information on the packages, run 'ubuntu-security-status
> --unavailable'.
> Enable Extended Security Maintenance (ESM Apps) to get 0 security
> updates (so far) and enable coverage of 849 packages.
> This machine is not attached to an Ubuntu Advantage subscription.
> See
> user at hostname:~$ ubuntu-security-status --thirdparty
> 2794 packages installed, of which:
>    1 package is from a third party
> google-chrome-stable
> Packages from third parties are not provided by the official Ubuntu
> archive, for example packages from Personal Package Archives in
> Launchpad.
> Run 'apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable' to learn more about that
> package.
> user at hostname:~$
Good Morning,

In looking through the thread, I discovered that the release you are 
using is important.

As I discovered for 18.04 use ubuntu-support-status with/without the 

     options: --show-supported --show-unsupported --show-all

while ubuntu-security-status returns not found.

The response for other releases of ubuntu is different, as far as I can 
tell by information gleaned from the thread.



Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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