Grub2 problem - can only boot to 2 of 3 OS's

Jim jf_byrnes at
Sat May 30 00:43:49 UTC 2020

On 5/29/20 4:59 PM, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 11:08:11AM -0500, jim wrote:
>> I did have a look at grub.cfg,but frankly don't understand much of what I
>> see there. All 3 OS's are mentioned, here is the first mention of Mint18.3
>> (the one that doesn't show in the grub menu), if that helps.
> The problem is that that particular grub.cfg file is not currently being
> read when your computer starts up.  So trying to decode it won't help
> you much.
>> For a while now when I move from one LTS version to another I have been
>> installing the new version next to the current one and then slowly setting
>> it up and moving files to it.
> Rather you than me, I guess!  I'd find this hopelessly confusing.

You certainly have more knowledge than I do and I sure appreciate you 
being here and helping us out, but I don't see where it is confusing. I 
always have more space on my disks than I need. Setting up another 
partition allows me to do a fresh install. Then I can remain productive 
on my old system while I get the new setup just like I want it with no 
pressure to rush. I don't anymore but I used to have a MySQL database on 
my local machine that I used everyday. The first time I moved it to the 
new OS it took a while to figure it out this way I had minimal down time 
with it.

Yes I could have just upgraded. I have done that in the past but it 
seems like just when I needed to get something done I would have a glich 
of some kind and I would have to scramble to get it fixed.

>> When I was searching for an answer I was mention of Boot-rep[air, is that a
>> good solution?
> My instinct is that this is more likely to introduce more problems.  It
> should be possible to fix this without pulling in third-party tools.

i was getting concerned about getting this problem fixed. I read as much 
as I could find about it and sown loaded and installed it. took a deep 
breath and hit the fix button. Turns out it worked and I can now boot to 
all 3 OS's.

Thanks again for your help.


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