Telnet question

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at
Fri May 29 10:39:58 UTC 2020

On 2020-05-29 03:08, Phil wrote:
> On 29/5/20 3:01 pm, Rashkae wrote:
>> As for intercepting the commands sent by your program, you can use
>> something like wireshark to snoop on the network packets.

A little more info to help you conceptualize stuff.  For the VAST 
majority of services/daemons, each incoming connection is essentially a 
dedicated, point-to-point connection.  The daemon spawns a daughter 
process to handle each individual connection, and that's why you can't 
see what's going on with telnet (which is just another connection, at 
the end of the day).

Also, firing up Wireshark and doing a capture will show a LOT of stuff 
unless you close down your browser windows, SSH sessions, etc.  And even 
then, you'll be seeing normal broadcast traffic (e.g., ARP requests, 
etc.).  So what you might want to do is to specify in the "using this 
filter" field either the port you want to sniff ("port 1234") or the 
host you're talking to ("host"), or both ("port 1234 and host").  Probably best to click the "any" interface, assuming you're 
running Linux; I don't remember if that exists for Windows or not, but 
with the above info, you have enough to do some trial and error without 
being spammed by a zillion extraneous network packets.

Good luck!


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