Pale Moon update?
rikona at
Fri May 22 14:28:47 UTC 2020
On Tue, 19 May 2020 21:42:41 -0700
rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 May 2020 13:41:03 +0200
> Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 06:57, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm running the Pale Moon browser on Ubuntu 16.04. GUI Updater
> > > says it needs an update but refuses to do it. Says it's an
> > > "untrusted source" and suggests going to settings, which has the
> > > source listed, and is also listed in "trusted sources". What do I
> > > have to do to update Pale Moon?
> >
> > Download a fresh copy?
> >
> > I also suggest you try Waterfox, which is a fork based off the last
> > Firefox code before Quantum removed support for all the hundreds of
> > XUL extensions. I am running Waterfox Classic, at home and work, on
> > Mac, Linux and Windows 10, and I like it a lot.
> Just installed it - NICE!! It's not listed in the Ubuntu GUI S/W pgm,
> so didn't try it. It also installed my Firefox add-ons, bookmarks,
> etc - looks JUST like my existing FF right out of the box!
> Impressive...
> My existing FF gets flaky when I have too many windows/tabs open, thus
> my running multiple browsers - BUT - does Waterfox store EVERYTHING
> completely separate from FF so both can be loaded up without any
> interaction? Since it loaded bookmarks, etc, are these essentially
> shared with FF so changes/additions appear in both?
Tried running Waterfox Classic with a VERY heavily loaded FF. Barely
ran at all - takes 1-2 minutes to load a complex page, even takes 10-20
sec to go to another already 'open' tab [starts blank..... then comes
up]. And it quickly gets even slower with multiple tabs on one page.
Worst is if I try to access the same page in WF & FF. If already
running in FF, it doesn't even come up in WF. Perhaps the 2 pgms share
a lot of stuff, so adding WF is worse than adding nothing. :-((
Good idea, but not if running both at the same time...
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