Liam Proven lproven at
Wed May 20 17:27:06 UTC 2020

On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 18:47, Charlie
<spaceport at> wrote:
> Recently I commented about how I was getting invalid signatures upon initiating installation of ANY flavor of Ubuntu, even with KDE Neon and some others.
> Turns, it was software related and not the m.2 SSD or the 1 TB HDD either. I was using unetbootin but, I switched to Rufus, ¡Finalmente! I got my Ubuntu installation to work and completely installed, no issues. Also, I'll mention this to the Kubuntu crew as well; when I got the installation of kubuntu done, there wasn't the standard message of "please remove installation media and press enter" that we should see

How strange!

Glad to hear that it's working now. Good news.

Liam Proven – Profile:
Email: lproven at – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at
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