can not get tty to beep in 16.04 , even echo bel failed lol ( \a )

Little Girl littlergirl at
Wed May 20 15:19:36 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Mike Marchywka wrote:

>I've got a script that can fail but I often gloss over the error
>message. I also have a script to highlight text in various ways so
>for now I decided to just pipe the error message into the
>highlighter but I wanted an audible alert.
>I installed "beep" and played with it a while but no sound. "aplay"
>works and I could just record my own error message but thought
>a beep would be nice.

Do any of these work for you?

echo $"\a"
echo $'\a'
echo "\a"
echo '\a'
echo -e "\a"
echo -e '\a'
printf "\a"
printf '\a'

Here are my results on Ubuntu MATE:

echo $"\a" #this does nothing
echo $'\a' #this beeps
echo "\a" #this does nothing
echo '\a' #this does nothing
echo -e "\a" #this beeps
echo -e '\a' #this beeps
printf "\a" #this beeps
printf '\a' #this beeps

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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