Useless error dialogue box - was - Re: Upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 failed - upgrade process broken

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri May 15 12:42:50 UTC 2020

On Fri, 15 May 2020 14:39:10 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>Something crashed. Do you notice any disfunction?
>I see that all the times, when running Ubuntu flavour live media.
>Whoopsie, apport and what ever lese related to it, isn't installed on
>my machine, let alone that only services and autostarts are enabled I
>wish to have.
>By default Ubuntu's package management enables almost every service
>provided by a package and starts almost all autostart "features", if
>not all of them.
>You might consider auto-bug-detection a security feature, but it isn't.
>Don't care about it, unless you notice disfunctions. The best
>thing to do is installing a minimalist Ubuntu install, e.g. by the
>server install and when doing it, to uncheck anything unneeded. After
>the installation finished

install the wanted environment, DE or just a WM and then

>take a look at all autostarts and services
>and disable anything you do not need. This does requires some Internet
>research and work, but in the end most likely nothing does crash
>anymore. It does increase performance a lot and even if you should keep
>whoopsie, apport and what ever else related to it, unlikely something
>still crashes in the background, so you don't get doubt spreading
>notifications anymore.
>Overdone user-friendliness leads to Windows alike behaviour. At best
>Apple is close to provide super-duper user-friendliness, since the
>hardware is known and the products are super-duper expensive in the
>first place.
>Attempts of providing too much user-friendliness tend to fail, almost
>all of the times.

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