Update to 20.04 failed

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at listemail.net
Sat May 9 05:38:50 UTC 2020

** Reply to message from Grizzly via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> on Sat, 09 May 2020 05:16:10 +0100

> 08 May 2020  at 16:55, Bob wrote:
> Update to 20.04 failed (at least in part)
> Have you checked which version you have after the error 19.10 or 20.04?

Yes, settings has "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"

> >Trying to update the desktop from 19.10 to 20.04 I got an error message about a
> >"permanent error" I had to power cycle the computer.  I do not know where in
> >the update this happened as I was not watching the update. On restarting the
> >computer I ran "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade".  It did not do any
> >updates but did give a message to run "sudo apt autoremove".  Is there anyother
> >thing that I should do or check?

Robert Blair

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.  -- Thomas Jefferson

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