Cloning a hard drive

Dr. Mikeal Hughes macmikeal at
Thu May 7 21:17:04 UTC 2020

I use a program written in Linux called HDClone by Miray Software  that does a good job for this type of thing.

Mikeal R. Hughes, D.Min., Th.D.
GROL, MOS, Comptia A+, Network+, MCSE

> On May 7, 2020, at 15:05, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 May 2020 at 20:10, P. Echols <p.echo926 at> wrote:
>> I have a laptop which dueal boots Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10.  I want
>> to replace the existing HD with a larger SSD.  Can I simply clone the
>> drive using dd and replace?  I'm thinking use a USB connection to one
>> of the drives, run ubuntu from a live usb so that neither drive is
>> mounted.
>> Would that work?
> It should work, yes.
> Bear in mind, `dd` copies every block, used or empty, so it will take
> a long time, and afterwards you will still have to resize the
> partitions to fill the new drive.
>> Or is there some better way to do it?
> When I do this, I delete anything non-essential (run Windows Disk
> Cleanup twice, once for user files, once for system files; run CHKDSK
> /F on it to check integrity; disable hibernation); boot into Linux,
> remove the Windows pagefile, swapfile, hibernation file if any, and
> manually empty the temp directories, remove any old versions of
> Windows etc.)
> Then I connect up both, as you said, boot from a live medium, and use
> Gparted to manually copy and resize the partitions, set them as
> bootable, etc.
> Then I remove the internal drive, swap in the new one, boot off a live
> medium again and reinstall GRUB using the standard method. (Google for
> howtos -- there are plenty.)
> Works for  me, and while it's more labour-intensive, you can resize
> the partitions on the destination as you go then batch the copy, and
> Gparted only copies allocated blocks of any filesystem it can
> recognise.
> I've done this successfully several times now.
> -- 
> Liam Proven – Profile:
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