Intel boot agent question

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue May 5 08:54:39 UTC 2020

On Tue, 5 May 2020 at 02:50, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
> On 4/5/20 8:40 pm, Liam Proven wrote:
> > Thank you Liam and Ralf for your replies.
> > I can't even _imagine_ any interaction between Clonezilla and resume
> > from sleep, but you never know.
> I still have the original SSD and it does allow a reboot; the cloned SSD
> won't.

OK. I am not saying I do not believe you, please note. I am saying I
cannot imagine how or why this might occur, which means I can't really
suggest where to start troubleshooting it.

> I knew that Windows 10 was available as a free upgrade but that offer
> had been withdrawn quite some time ago.

They *announced* that it had been shut down. Actually, it still works
fine, and always has and probably always will.

Also, you can install a new clean copy of Win10 using a product
licence key from Win7, 8, or 8.1.

>  I didn't know about free ISO file.

Well, now you do. :-)

> I'll look into that although it may not help. I bought the laptop with
> Windows 7 already installed and who knows where it came from.

It doesn't really matter. So long as it's a valid key, Produkey will
tell you what it is and you can use it to reinstall. Produkey itself
is freeware without ads or anything else.

> I'd forgotten about web mail. Memory fails with age, as you will no
> doubt find for yourself in the future.

I am 52. It already is.

> Regarding updating the BIOS, it turns out the I already have the most
> recent version.


> DuckDuckGo is my default search engine and it may possibly miss the
> Google links that you found.

OK. I use that myself sometimes but I actually _pay_ Google for its
services ( :-( ) so there's no point avoiding it.

> Anyway, I do thank you both for taking the time to reply.

No problem. It's what we are here for.

Liam Proven – Profile:
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