
Gilles Gravier ggravier at fsfe.org
Mon Mar 30 15:12:07 UTC 2020

Jay, Ian,

On 30/03/2020 15:45, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
> Hi Jay,
> On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 14:41, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at austin.rr.com
> <mailto:jridgley2 at austin.rr.com>> wrote:
>      From the traffic I have seen, it appears that ZOOM is not
>     available for
>     Ubuntu. Is that correct?
> It can be downloaded for Linux from 
> https://zoom.us/download
> Note I haven't done that yet

I did a call with 12 participants from France, Switzerland, UK and
Colombia just 2 days ago (Saturday) for a lockdown-lunch-with-friends. I
was hosting the call, on Zoom, from my Ubuntu laptop. (HP Elitebook).

It's all explained here:
and very straightforward. Download a .deb and install it. It tells you
to download the Linux installer from here:
https://zoom.us/download?os=linux (don't forget to select your Ubuntu
flavor - probably 64bit 14.04+ like me).

Since then I've also put it on my parent's machine (they are several
hundred km away, so logged into the machine via VNC, installed it, and
they used it).

Works flawlessly. Used the microphone, camera and speakers of the HP
laptop directly.

On my parent's PC, it used a Logitech webcam, and the speakers and
microphone provided by the motherboard - I don't remember what brand of
desktop it is).

All in all, zero issues. Only joy.


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