Zoom Client

Jim jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Sat Mar 28 16:40:39 UTC 2020

On 3/28/20 10:41 AM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 28/03/2020 13:29, Jim wrote:
>> On 3/28/20 4:23 AM, Peter Flynn wrote:
>>> I think that was tested using an iPad but the code is the code, and
>>> I doubt that they would remove Zoom's ability to report that data
>>> on a per-platform basis; much more likely that it's common to all 
>>> platforms. And FB can monetize your data even if you're not a
>>> member.
>> Just read this article: 
>> https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/z3b745/zoom-removes-code-that-sends-data-to-facebook 
>> Which basically says they used the FB SDK to allow users to log in
>> with FB but didn't know they were also sending data.
> If you as an app developer sign up to use FB as an authentication 
> method, it's a little hard to claim "we didna ken" that FB was then 
> milking the device for all it could tell. But limiting that is a good move.
> However, this does not address the original claim, that the initiator
> of a group call can see each user's list of windows and which one their
> cursor is in.  This may be a red herring, although the claim was made in
> good faith.  Maybe someone has experimented with that.
>> Then I read this: 
>> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/03/27/doc_searls_zoom_privacy/
> The best "advertising experience" they could offer is zero. I'd happily 
> pay for that.
> Meanwhile some people are urging me to install HouseParty :-)
> Peter


I goggled HouseParty, somehow I don't see you installing it.


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