problem with liblz4 install

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Sat Mar 21 14:19:08 UTC 2020

On Sat, 21 Mar 2020 09:13:33 -0400, Mark Barton wrote:
>I am trying to compile a program that is requires 

Hi, what version of lz4 is required? What program do you try to compile?

>I also tried adding the -1 to liblz4 and a compile but 
>the issue remained [...]
>liblz4-1 is already the newest version (1.9.1-1).

It is the newest version provided by the eoan repositories, not
necessarily the latest release from upstream. The package version "-1"
is irrelevant. It's important to see the relevant output you get, when
compiling the program fails. Maybe you need and the
related header file/s instead of eoan's Maybe it's an
issue related to the path. Maybe...


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