LWN write-up on Pocock and community disruption (was: debconf19 diversity girls)

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Thu Mar 12 15:03:18 UTC 2020

On 2020-03-09 13:18, Colin Watson wrote:
> This is almost certainly from a disgruntled
> ex-Debian-developer who's been engaged in harassing people in Debian 
> for
> some time after having been expelled from that project; the email
> headers make it clear that Mark wasn't the one who forwarded it, but
> rather is being impersonated.

Apparently by not being on Debian lists, themselves, we've been spared a 
fair bit of his nonsense.  Linux Weekly News has a bit of a write-up.  
(NOTE for those who don't know -- LWN kinda rocks.  It pays its bills 
with a subscription model, but there are different tiers that you can 
choose.  Recommend them strongly if you're really interested in 
deep-diving Linux in general.)



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