Lenovo Thinkpad X230 Tablet/Laptop questions

Florian Oppermann florian.oppermann at itp.uni-hannover.de
Mon Mar 9 15:46:41 UTC 2020

I have a X230t running Debian & Gnome smoothly. Most things work out of
the box, including stylus input and wifi. Note that I have the version
without touch input, i.e. only stylus. Even the 3G modem works without
any additional software. I expect it to run equally well with Ubuntu.

Some tips:
 • Install TLP [1], e.g. for better battery management
 • Install thinkpad-scripts [2] to give think like screen auto-rotate

Best regards,

> [1] https://packages.ubuntu.com/de/bionic/tlp
> [2] https://github.com/martin-ueding/thinkpad-scripts

On 06.03.20 21:15, Robert Heller wrote:
> I have someone with a Lenovo Thinkpad X230 Tablet/Laptop that wants me to
> install either Ubuntu (probably 18.04) or Mint (19.3) on it. I *expect* most of
> it will be supported (Lenovo Thinkpads generally work will with Linux), but I 
> am wondering if there things that might not work.  Of partitular concern is 
> the touch screen.  (I am also wondering about the wireless as well).

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