sbackup for 18.04 LTS

Little Girl littlergirl at
Fri Mar 6 17:55:29 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Jay Ridgley wrote:

>  What happened to sbackup?
>I recently updated one of my systems to the Beaver... Was sbackup 
>dropped from the release? I have used it for several years (16.04
>LTS and before) but it appears to no longer be available.

It appears to have been dropped after 16.04:

According to this bug report, it was dropped from Ubuntu because it
uses gksu, which has been deprecated:

The details page for the sbackup package is here:

You could reach out to the maintainers if you have any questions.
There's also a list of similar packages in the bottom right of that
page in case you want to try some of them out.

>How can I get it?

There's a download link on the package's detail page above. It will
give you a .deb file you can install. That .deb file might not work,
though, for the reason mentioned above. The bug report above gives a
work-around that should work.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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