Backing up to MS OneDrive

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Mar 5 18:24:33 UTC 2020

On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 19:00, Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
> Any time. Here are two more in case that doesn't end up working out:

Thanks for these.

> OneDrive Sync for Linux (Ubuntu):

This seems to be aimed at wanting to keep a home directory on it,
which is not what I want.

> OneDrive Free Client:

I've tried that and it seemed to work.

However, it's  caching client. I thought that would make things more
difficult for backing up. I may be wrong on this.

> That sounds reasonable to me. After all, it has no way of knowing
> whether you have other tasks to do before dismounting.

TBH I just expected it to work like a normal mount command.

In a previous contract I used Google Drive for file-transfers between
my machine and employees of the client. It was necessary to use GNOME
Shell functionality (well, Unity in my case) to mount the drive, but
once mounted, it acted like a normal mount command, as did unmounting.

This is different, but OneDrive is very different from Google Drive.

However, I now use Xfce and don't have the GNOME virtual file system
stuff available to me, so I needed a different method.

> Can you get around that with archives in which all those things are
> preserved?

It looks like it so far, yes.

> That's also good to know and easily handled.

Once you know, yes. :-)

The thing is, MS don't support Linux directly, so this kind of stuff
is not obviously documented!

The whole "MS ♥ Linux" thing is a big marketing lie, IMHO.

> I'd definitely experiment with smaller amounts of data at first, but
> whatever method you choose should scale.


Liam Proven – Profile:
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