Using wpa_supplicant.conf to predefine a wifi connection

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun Jun 28 13:47:09 UTC 2020

Am Sonntag, den 28.06.2020, 14:38 +0100 schrieb Colin Law:
> I am running 19.10 (upgraded over several years) and /etc/netplan is
> empty on my system.  Will that be because I have upgraded from before
> netplan rather than doing a fresh install?

if you upgraded i suspect the upgrader assumes your network was
configured correctly ... 

netplan is a high-level config system that acts as frontend to the
actual networking tools so if you have a working network-manager or
systemd-networkd setup already it might not reversely generate a
toplevel config for that ... (just guessing though, i havent checked
the update-manager code) 

if you'd put a config into that dir it would re-configure your network
on reboot (or when calling "netplan apply" if you want it without
reboot) though.

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