Error upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Jun 26 07:02:46 UTC 2020

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 8:43 PM Paul Smith <paul at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-06-24 at 18:19 +0200, Tom H wrote:

>>> I know of the various ways to remove the dock. They all have their
>>> problems; none of them do exactly what I want, without annoying
>>> side-effects.
>> I only know of "gnome-extensions disable ...". I wonder whether that
>> would work with a deb-supplied extension.
>> Out of curiosity, what are the side effects of disabling dash-to-
>> dock?
> I'm not sure what dash-to-dock is... is that the same thing as
> ubuntu-dock? There are only about 20 of these things :-/.

ubuntu-dock is either a packaged dash-to-dock or a patched and
packaged dash-to-dock.

> However this prompted me to search around again and this time I found
> a howto I missed last time with a new facility in 20.04 that I didn't
> know about:
> Sure enough, if I install gnome-extensions then I can successfully
> disable the ubunut-dock without uninstalling it (so that my
> ubuntu-desktop metapackage is still installed).
> Perfection!
> I wonder why the Tweak Tools "disable the dock" doesn't work, while
> this one does? Maybe Tweak Tools is just not being kept up to date?

Did you try Tweak Tools after installing gnome-shell-extensions?

Disabling an extension via the Tweak Tools must be the equivalent of
"gnome-extensions disable ...".

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