Strange behavior with re-installed laptop

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Jun 19 20:56:55 UTC 2020

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 13:31:48 -0700, MR ZenWiz wrote:
>> > 3.  I turned on the power manager and set it to blank the screen
>> > after 30 minutes (when plugged in) and shut off the screen after
>> > 60 minutes. Once the screen shuts off, it does not come back when
>> > the mouse moves or the keyboard is touched, we have to reopen the
>> > laptop to get the screen back.

Might be caused by a power saving mechanism. Laptop power saving could
completely shout down USB, even when running on a desktop PC. I always
had good luck, since I insist in PS/2 for the keyboard (for real-time
scheduling reasosn), so IIRC at least Ctrl+Alt+Fn worked. However, I
experienced a dead USB mouse. I don't remember the name of the laptop
power saving thingy package, but it does exist. I can't comment on a
laptop keyboard, since I don't use laptops. FWIW power saving might
interact with BIOS settings.

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