the date command

Peter Teuben teuben at
Fri Jun 12 16:14:55 UTC 2020

On 6/12/20 12:09 PM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Freitag, den 12.06.2020, 12:06 -0400 schrieb Peter Teuben:
>> it gets the default format from the
>>> system settings so I suggest you look there.
>>> Colin
>> quite possibly i need to reboot then. I see my uptime is 20 days.
> the date format is typically handled via the LC_TIME system variable:
> $ locale | grep LC_TIME
> LC_TIME="de_DE.UTF-8"

this is tricky stuff. It seems LC_TIME cannot be changed (hence perhaps 
it is seet on boot):

LC_TIME="de_DE.UTF-8" date
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_TIME: cannot change locale (”en_DK.UTF-8″)
Fri Jun 12 12:12:42 EDT 2020

by default my shell does not even have this env.var set .... I'm very 
confused now.  But I can set it, except the date command doesn't listen 
to it.

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