Has sqlite3 been pulled from the snap store?

Jim jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Fri Jun 12 00:59:02 UTC 2020

Running Mint 18.3 snap version is 3.11.0.

I want to look at a Mozilla-Firefox sqlite3 db. Version 3.11.0 says it 
cannot open it. So I googled for the easiest way to update sqlite3. 
Found one that says use snaps.

So I went to the snap store and searched for sqlite3 got one hit for 
something called pharo. Then I searched for sqlite and got 17 hits none 
of them were sqlite3, but 3 or 4 had sql in the name.

So tried googling sqlite3 snap. The link given was 
https://snapcraft.io/sqlite3-snap took me to the snap store and there 
was one called sqlite3-snap it was version 3.20.0, the latest is 3.32.3.

Switched to the firefox tab where I originally had gone to the snap 
store and searched for sqlite3-snap. Got no hits and was told to use a 
less specific search term.

I'm not sure what is going on here, but it seems a little strange.

Regards,  Jim

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