Gnome shell extensions

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Jun 11 12:42:05 UTC 2020

Am Donnerstag, den 11.06.2020, 06:35 +0200 schrieb Tom H:
> It can't be easy to solve because it breaks Snap's confinement model
> to give access to "/usr/bin/gnome-shell".
this is what snap has interfaces for ... 
i assume we'll see a "gnome-extensions-control" inerface eventually ...
but it is definitely non-trivial to implement given that gnome-shell
extensions actually monkey-patch the running javascript code of the
shell on the fly. 
so this interface has to be crafted very carefullly.

most if not all lacking features in snaps can be solved through new or
enhanced interfaces but these take time to implement correct and in a
way that they work on all distros (remember that snap is not at all
ubuntu specific)

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