what do you want to see in future apt versions ?

Sheemon Lists sheemon.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 16:38:34 UTC 2020

Wow!  Talk about escalation, hot headedness, over what?
An argument (if that) over a word that is 1, meaningless, 2, you can easily
replace with anything else.

And to assign (multiple times) any international derogative of the extreme
to that storm in a teacup.
And to jump from that into USA federal politics too?
Good thing Hydrogen bombs are under lock and key.

Cool down, say polite thank you to those who work to create and/or maintain
an object of value without direct (sometimes any) pay and stick to the
Your opinion really does not belong here.
Your language hardly belongs in any forum, but this is my opinion.

We are all here to help maintain a fragile, very complex system.
We come from varied backgrounds, abilities, life experiences, and world
We have to check them at the door, or this system will collapse too.
Please, do not start a flame war with me.  I am not interested at all.

If you think I agree with your foes, you are wrong, but your aggression
needs be checked.



On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 12:09 PM Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/06/2020, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Secondly, the command is now `apt full-upgrade`. The word "dist" is no
> > longer mentioned.
> >
> > This is a non-argument. Because some people do not understand or get
> > confused about the function of an old and deprecated command that has
> > now been replaced anyway, they want it changed. This is absurd.
> >
> > *It has already been replaced.*
> >
> It is the fanatical, bigoted refusal to accept that "full-upgrade" is
> also confusing, that is absurd and ridiculous.
> "full-upgrade" indicates to some people, that a full upgrade of the
> operating system, to the latest version, will be performed.
> Suggestions were requested for what changes people would like made to
> apt, and you and Ralf have wasted the time and bandwidth of people, by
> denigrating people who have made constructive suggestions for proposed
> changes, and, your fanaticism and bigotry are disincentives for people
> to both use Ubuntu or any other form of Linux, and, to post to this
> list.
> The arrogance, and fanatical and bigoted refusal of you and Ralf, to
> accept that people may have problems with the text used in the
> commands, does not mean that people do not get confused by the
> commands, due to the wording of the commands.
> Of course, if it was instead, you and Ralf, who found the text of the
> commands, confusing, then your fanaticism, bigotry, and denigration,
> would all be reversed.
> If and when you and Ralf can overcome your arrogance, fanaticism, and
> bigotry, other users may be able to overcome some of the problems that
> WE encounter.
> It is unfortunate that you two turn this into an "Us and them"
> scenario, for the sake of your ego's.
> I suppose that you will both be applying for jobs in Trump's Outhouse.
> --
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> ..............
> --
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