issues with storage media
Ian Bruntlett
ian.bruntlett at
Sat Jul 25 19:34:57 UTC 2020
Hi Semih,
I am not an expert on this but I do have suggestions for rescuing data...
One tool I would turn to would be the CAINE bootable DVD image,
downloadable from - it is a live Linux that can
be used to rescue deleted data amongst other things.
Another tool I would try is PhotoRec which apparently is part of the
testdisk Ubuntu package. It's details, from Synaptic Package manager,
*PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost pictures
from digital camera memory or even Hard Disks. It has been extended to
search also for non audio/video headers. It searches for following files
and is able to undelete them: * Sun/NeXT audio data (.au) * RIFF
audio/video (.avi/.wav) * BMP bitmap (.bmp) * bzip2 compressed data
(.bz2) * Source code written in C (.c) * Canon Raw picture (.crw) * Canon
catalog (.ctg) * FAT subdirectory * Microsoft Office Document (.doc) *
Nikon dsc (.dsc) * HTML page (.html) * JPEG picture (.jpg) * MOV video
(.mov) * MP3 audio (MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1) (.mp3) * Moving Picture
Experts Group video (.mpg) * Minolta Raw picture (.mrw) * Olympus Raw
Format picture (.orf) * Portable Document Format (.pdf) * Perl script
(.pl) * Portable Network Graphics (.png) * Raw Fujifilm picture (.raf) *
Contax picture (.raw) * Rollei picture (.rdc) * Rich Text Format (.rtf) *
Shell script (.sh) * Tar archive (.tar ) * Tag Image File Format (.tiff) *
Microsoft ASF (.wma) * Sigma/Foveon X3 raw picture (.x3f) * zip archive
I would also recommend having multiple copies of important data. And, once
a drive is failing, I would copy its data somewhere safer.
Hard drives typically support a system (SMART) to track the health of hard
drives. I am not sure how useful it is. You can use the tools from the
command line or install the GUI tool from the gsmartcontrol package.
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