SSD thrashing

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Jul 25 19:07:10 UTC 2020

On Sat, 25 Jul 2020 at 02:53, Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
> I have a Lenovo T420 with 4Gb of RAM and a about 790Gb free in the /
> partition of my SSD.

OK... I have a T420 too. Nice machine. That's not much RAM for a
modern PC, and it's a _huge_ SSD by the sound of it!

Mine had 4GB when I got it last year. First I put a spare 2GB DIMM in
as well for a total 6GB, then later, when a different machine got an
upgrade, I took a spare DDR3 8GB DIMM and put it in mine for 8GB
total. That seems enough for short-term intensive web usage (75-80+
tabs) and so on.

> I also admit that I have about 30 tabs open under
> Firefox.

A lot but not excessive.

> What would be my best course of action to prevent disk thrashing? I was
> thinking about enabling Zswap or should I just do something about the
> open Firefox tabs? Adding extra RAM might be a good idea but I don't
> know where I might buy older style RAM from online.

Where in the world are you? If you're in the UK, visit CEX.

For so little RAM, I'd suggest the old route of 2x RAM -- 8GB Swap.
With a 1TB or something SSD you can afford it.
Liam Proven – Profile:
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