Anyone running Server on a Raspberry Pi 4?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Jul 22 08:47:59 UTC 2020

Am Dienstag, den 21.07.2020, 22:05 +0200 schrieb Liam Proven:
> I have it working fairly well, but there are some issues...
> * the machine constantly freezes for seconds to minutes when I'm
> logged in with ssh
> * I would like to configure email alerts for problems with its ZFS
> volume -- any pointers?

i do run a bunch of pi4's (a mix of 4 and 8GB ones) but all of them on
Ubuntu Core (using lxd containers for the rare occasions when i really
need deb packages at times) with the rootfs on USB3.1 SSD and i do not
see such freezes ... 

i do use 5GHz WLAN and a 1GB swap file on all of them and Ubuntu Core
uses ext4 by default ... 

Since the kernel and boot setup on Core and Classic is the same, i'd
put my focus on either the networking (do you use wired ?) or zfs here

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