
Udvarias Ur udvarias1 at
Mon Jul 6 02:44:28 UTC 2020

Dear Mr. Proven,

On 2020-07-04 03:59, Liam Proven wrote:
>> In an effort to get the scanner working, I tried adding missing data to
>> the package, brscan. Unfortunately I broke it.
> How do you "add missing data" to a package?
> And why on Earth did you think you could do this, or should do this,
> or that it would be a good idea?
I unpacked the package brscan2, which seemed to be missing data, as well 
as brscan-skey, which seemed to have all it's data.
>> Unfortunately brscan2, mfc240ccupswrapper, and mfc240clpr don't have all
>> the data they are supposed to have. In particular 'Section,' 'Priority,'
>> and 'Installed-Size.'
> What  do you mean by this?
> All Ubuntu packages have all the data they need. You cannot add to it,
> change it, alter it, edit it or anything else and if you think you can
> then you do not understand how Linux software packaging works, and you
> need to learn that.

I added some of the data (particularly 'Section,' 'Priority') to the 
'control' text file. Unfortunately, before I repackaged it I moved /usr 
into /data. Then I repackaged it.

>> dpkg: warning: overriding problem because --force enabled:
> :-o
> You used force?! Why?!
I did NOT use --force, that is the way the Brother install script is 
written! (I was as surprised as you when I saw this is the output.)
>> Does anyone know what this all means, and better yet how to fix it.
> No, because I have no idea what you did.

You may not know how to fix this. I wonder though, where were you when I 
first posted (2020-06-22) a need for help to get brscan2 working. (It  
has worked for 10 years on various versions of Ubuntu, as well as 2 
different computers (1 Compaq and 1 Dell) and stopped working when I 
changed hardware to an HP.

Do you lurk on this list and wait for a opportunity to burn someone who 
made a mistake in stead of offering help?

>> BTW. /usr/local/Brother was not found due to an error I made placing the
>> install directory tree in the directory data. i.e. data/usr/local/Brother …
> :-o
> You are flailing around without knowing what you are doing, and you
> have corrupted your system software.
> You should never try to alter this stuff without understanding, any
> more than you could try to fix a jet engine while flying a plane.
May be if I got real help with this in the first place I wouldn't be in 
this predicament.
>> P.S. I've manually removed /data and all it contained.
> Oh my. This just gets worse and worse.
If I return the system to the way it was before I removed these files 
manually, will that enable me to remove the package?
>> Though the files
>> in /var/lib/dpkg/info … are still there. Could they be causing the problem?
> Backup your data. Reformat your computer. Never ever try to over-ride
> the packaging system again. This is not only completely unnecessary,
> it cannot possibly ever work, and you have done the equivalent of
> taking a chainsaw to a running engine, cutting random chunks out
> without understanding, hammering some large nails in, and now are
> confused why it doesn't work. I am amazed it hasn't exploded.
> Format, reinstall, do not play with it again.
My data, or at least most of it, is on a different physical HD.
Udvarias Ur

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