Installer makes broken GPT partition table

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Jan 28 10:53:02 UTC 2020

On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 at 08:46, Volker Wysk <post at> wrote:
> I've found out what went wrong. I boot the Ubuntu installation DVD,
> from an USB stick. In the boot menu of the motherboard, there are,
> amongst many others, the two entries "USB: Verbatim 8.07" and "UEFI:
> Verbatim 8.07".
> So far, I've used the "USB: ..." one. Now I've tried out "UEFI: ...",
> and the problem went away. Now the installer makes an UEFI System
> Partition, an entry in the motherboard's boot menu, and gdisk doesn't
> complain about a broken partition table any longer. The new system can
> be booted.


Great stuff!

Liam Proven - Profile:
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