Ubuntu installer and UEFI

Sarunas Burdulis sarunas at math.dartmouth.edu
Mon Jan 27 17:22:05 UTC 2020

On 1/27/20 12:12 PM, Volker Wysk wrote:
> The Ubuntu 18.04.3 installer seems to not support UEFI. It creates
> no EFI System Partition (ESP), and doesn't make a protective MBR. It
> looks like it supports MBR only. I've just used the default, "format
> hard disk and install ubuntu".
> This can't be, can it? Or is it because Ubuntu 18.04 is too old?
> How to tell the installer to make an UEFI system?

Boot from install media in EFI mode.

Sarunas Burdulis
Systems Administrator, Dartmouth Mathematics

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