Tor / Port 9050

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Sat Jan 18 13:25:30 UTC 2020

18 January 2020  at 12:13, Colin Law wrote:
Re: Tor / Port 9050 (at least in part)

>On Sat, 18 Jan 2020 at 12:10, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
><ubuntu-users at> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Having a problem, Tor used to run fine, then it stopped saying it was already
>> running, even after a cold reset, uninstalled & purged, reinstalled, started
>> from terminal, still claims "port is in use or Tor is already
>> running
>> Any pointers from someone on Bionic who is running Tor?
>> Failing that ho wcan I check what/if port 9050 is been used
>I would have thought that your-favourite-search-engine would have
>found that fairly easily
>lsof -i :9050

DuckDuck did find a command

netstat -tulnp | grep 9050

Closed that, then torbrowser-launcher worked

lets see how long that lasts


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