OT: best FOSS wiki for this classroom scenario?

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 17:13:24 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Volker Wysk wrote:
>Am Samstag, den 22.02.2020, 14:10 -0500 schrieb Little Girl:

>> As far as the database integration, Wikipedia has a wiki
>> comparison page where you can check which has which features. You
>> might want to poke around on that page to see if there are some
>> you'd like to play around with.  

>That's one big comparison. But it doesn't list database integration
>(that's what I call it). It only lists "data backend", which subsumes
>both storage of wiki data (pages, attachments) and user defined
>database data, following a user scheme.


>I want to be able to store and access data in a database, for
>instance for my books. AFAIK, XWiki supports that, but MoinMoin
>doesn't. (I won't use XWiki for different reasons).

Since that's not included on that page, you might want to add a
section for it and see if others start filling it in. After all, a
page like that can be a useful resource for anyone who's deciding
which software to install and your addition would make it that much
more valuable.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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