OT: best FOSS wiki for this classroom scenario?

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Sat Feb 22 06:55:16 UTC 2020

Am Samstag, den 22.02.2020, 10:11 +1100 schrieb Karl Auer:
> On Fri, 2020-02-21 at 19:36 +0100, Volker Wysk wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 21.02.2020, 03:14 +1100 schrieb Karl Auer:
> > > I have used moinmoin for some ten years now, and have never had a
> > > serious problem with the editor.
> > - Have you tried to embed something, like a pre-formatted (code)
> > section inside a list?
> Just did. Works fine. Had to use the text mode editor though, and
> wrap
> the desired text in triple curly braces. Formats selected in the GUI
> editor are paragraph formats, not character formats. I could embed it
> inline or between list elements.

You're right, it works after trying around a bit. A paragraph format is
what I had in mind. But you write it yourself, that you had to use the
text mode editor for an inline format. 

That you have to use the text editor for inline fornat, on the other
hand, isn't completely true. You can enter the curly braces, and other
markup in the GUI editor. It will be displayed as markup, not as
formatted text. But the next time you click on "Vorschau anzeigen"
("display preview"), the text will be formatted. It works for other
things too, such as "[[...|...]]" or "<<TableOfContents>>".

> It's very common in web editors - including things like WordPress -
> that the author must resort to text mode for anything beyond the
> basics.
> > - When I use my template for books, which is a definition list,
> > there
> > are <<BR>> elements included for all the empty fields, which thus
> > get
> > separated by a large gap.
> Maybe try using something else to mark empty fields?

I don't understand. I just want them to stay empty. I haven't inserted 
"<<BR>>" in the empty fields. The GUI editor does that without my

> > - When there is a <<BR>> element in the moin markup code, and you
> > edit it with the editor, the lines get concatenated, messing up
> > your
> > code.
> Didn't try this because I wasn't sure what you meant.

When you have this code:

First line
<<BR>>Second line
<<BR>>Third line

... then the GUI editor makes it:

First line<<BR>>Second line<<BR>>Third line

> > - Tried to insert an empty line inside a list element, such that
> > you
> > have two paragraphs in there?
> That didn't work for me either using the GUI editor. Using the text
> mode editor I put a line like this in and it appears as a blank line
> separating two paragraphs:
>    . {{{ }}}
> That's one or more spaces, a dot, a space, and a space between the
> curly braces.

You can do it with a "<<BR>>" at the beginning of the new paragraph,
but AFTER the one-space indentation. But this is a workaround. It looks
like this:

 * first paragraph
 <<BR>>second paragraph

But when you go back to the GUI editor, the "<<BR>>" the empty line in
between the two paragraphs disappears. You have to have TWO "<<BR>>" to
have a gap between the two paragraphs. Which in turn becomes too large,


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