Grub and Windows update

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Feb 2 12:55:28 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
>On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:57:18 -0500, Little Girl wrote:

>>As a very occasional gamer, I found the job of making games work
>>under Wine to be too much of a hassle much of the time.  

>I can't comment on this. My guess is, that it depends on the game.

It definitely does. Some programs run fine out-of-the-box, while
others take quite a bit of wrestling and yet others simply won't
cooperate. Since this is something I do very infrequently, I want it
to just work. That was easier to achieve with separate drives than it
would be with Wine, so it's how I decided to do it.

>>I didn't like the idea of running Windows in a VM because of the
>>possible hardware limitations when it comes to modern programs.  

>Some virtualizations are very close to the hardware. I'm just to lazy
>to test hypervisors such as Xen, kernel based VMs, KVM/Qemu.
>Those aren't that easy to maintain as e.g. VirtualBox, but IIUC
>they provide more or less "direct" hardware access.

Yep. It's the "close" part, and the fact that it's missing the "all
the way there" part, that can fall over when it comes to some
programs, so I just avoided it entirely. I use VMs for various
purposes, but not for gaming.

>>My approach was to buy a drive power switch unit, install it in a
>>drive bay in my computer, and connect all my drives to it.

>That's probably a good idea, but still kind of a {dual,multi}-boot
>approach. It definitively rules out some pains, but rebooting is
>still required.

Yes, rebooting is required, but it differs from the standard
dual-boot and multi-boot in that there is no "offer" of another
operating system during the boot process. The "offer" occurs on a
hardware level before the computer is ever turned on.

Currently, button 3 is pushed in, so when I booted my computer, I
booted with the drive that has this Ubuntu MATE installation on it.
As far as my system is currently concerned, there's nothing else on
this machine. Since I didn't push any other buttons, it doesn't know
there's any other hardware available despite the fact that the
hardware is physically inside the machine. I really like that forced
lack of awareness. It satisfies that "everything in its place" side
of me that prefers everything all nice and tidy.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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