HPLIP - No system tray detected on this system (Bug #1453303)

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at listemail.net
Fri Dec 25 19:21:44 UTC 2020

** Reply to message from Ian Bruntlett <ian.bruntlett at gmail.com> on Fri, 25 Dec
2020 19:13:33 +0000

> Hi,
> Is anyone else experiencing the above error message on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
> when using the Hewlett Packard hplip package?

I am on 20.10 with the same problem.

> The problem is that the code in question (
> usr/share/hplip/ui5/systemtray.py ) hard codes a value for the system to
> wait for the system tray to be available. This is a classic example of a
> race condition error. To mitigate this, I've suggested in this bug report
> that a shell variable be available to override that hardcoded value, if
> practical.
> I have also suggested that, if a system tray is not detected, that the
> dialogue box that states that a system tray is not detected should have a
> "Retry" button which, if pressed, tries (again) to check for the presence
> of a system tray.
> Compliments of the Season!
> Ian

Robert Blair

Keep voting Democrat...  One day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history and restrict your safety.  All in the name of professional victims that don't understand the consequences of their ignorance.  -- Ronald Regan, 1987

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