Does kickstart work on 20.04 LTS

Tom H tomh0665 at
Tue Dec 22 21:50:37 UTC 2020

On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 9:22 PM Jerry Geis <jerry.geis at> wrote:
> Sounds like kickstart commands are "converted" to a preseed
> file...  how can I take my kickstart file and "convert" that to
> a preseed ?
> perhaps I can use that. I am looking for a command line tool to
> do that conversion. have not found it yet. Do you know of one?
> Or someone it used to be done - How can a grab some source and
> do that conversion on my current machine to get the preseed and
> start with that.

I've never used kickseed. I suspect that if you use it, it writes out
a pressed file to "/var/log". Have you checked?

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