External touchpad for Ubuntu?
ubuntu-qygzanxc at listemail.net
Mon Dec 21 22:51:03 UTC 2020
** Reply to message from Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> on Tue, 22 Dec 2020
09:24:02 +1100
> On Mon, 2020-12-21 at 21:43 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
> > it takes you straight to that dialog. However, I have to admit that
> > if the touchpad is disabled and you don't have a mouse plugged in
> > then I can't actually work out how to use the keyboard to navigate to
> > the Touchpad enable switch, which is a bit of a bummer.
> Once the dialogue is open and has focus, press Tab and/or use the arrow
> keys until the relevant item is highlighted.
> So far so good :-)
> BUT: Actually toggling the setting doesn't seem to be possible without
> a mouse. At least, I haven't found a key combination that changes the
> toggle.
It seems to me that people are making this more complicated than it really is.
I have :xinput disable 15" (find the device ID using xinput list) in my
.profile and a small bash script to toggle the touchpad enable/disable.
Assigning that simple command to a key combination should be very easy.
Robert Blair
When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation! -- Adrian Rogers
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